Which Has A Better Customer Focus - Shopify Or Bigcommerce?

Which Has A Better Customer Focus - Shopify Or Bigcommerce?
BigCommerce Enterprise and Shopify Plus are two fast-growing platforms that cater to the ecommerce business needs. They serve B2B and B2C websites who have a yearly turnout of more than $1 million. However, according to reports, it is BigCommerce who outperforms Shopify in every manner.
BigCommerce has enterprise-focused features, helps in garnering sales that are two times more than the retail industry average, includes market-leading shopping, point-of-sale and payment solutions and provides 24/7 support services. As compared to Shopify, BigCommerce focuses on making tasks easier for enterprise merchants.
Various leading brands have chosen BigCommerce for their online empires and have emerged as market-winners. Brands like Toyota and Kodak have made use of this ecommerce platform’s advanced functionalities and built-in features to give way to the growth of their enterprise.
You can do it too. Instead of getting into the technicalities, you can let a technical partner build your brand using BigCommerce and help you reach out to customers through its digital marketing strategies. Inflexi Technologies is the best BigCommerce development company for the purpose.
Now, let’s see how BigCommerce caters to its customers, known as enterprise merchants in a better way than Shopify.
When it comes to focusing on the customers better, BigCommerce does it flawlessly. It has only one core product – its own ecommerce platform. All its resources, both engineering and service resources are utilised in maintaining its platform. Unlike Shopify, BigCommerce’s priority is maintaining its omni-channel and cloud-based solution in the ecommerce industry.
But Shopify utilizes more than 60% of its resources in maintaining its adjacent services like payments, shipping and point-of-sale solutions. Its support, strategic and engineering resources all are allocated for these services instead of focusing on the platform’s improvement on a whole.
BigCommerce maintains that its payment, shipping, point-of-sale partners deliver better solutions to the enterprise merchants as compared to Shopify. Both of them are different ecommerce frameworks with two different business models, true but it is BigCommerce which fares well.
Inflexi Technologies understands these core differences and delivers a performance par excellence. Keeping in mind how this cloud-based SaaS platform functions, it will help your brand grow quickly. As a digital marketing agency, it will bring your brand to more and more people’s notice. With the help of Inflexi’s expertise, your brand will become a known-virtual face online.
Coming to the business size and structure, Shopify usually caters to the micro-businesses. However, BigCommerce targets the enterprise businesses which are fast-growing. They focus on all-round ecommerce development.
Shopify has “get-millionaire-quick” programs but do not let them fool you ever. They are targeted towards entrepreneurs who do not have real businesses. Shopify has been criticised for these schemes industry-wide. BigCommerce on the other hand targets established entrepreneurs and gives them the platform they need to scale new heights.
An ex-Shopify merchant was quoted, “I used to run a retail store using Shopify. But its platform is so haywire; it had a negative impact on my site’s performance.” If you still want a Shopify company Australia to look after your store’s Shopify theme development, you might want to re-think.
In terms of customer retention rate, BigCommerce emerges as the winner again. It has been on the top, with a 99.5% rate, ensuring a promising future to the enterprise businesses. According to leading industry publications, BigCommerce has been recognized as the fastest growing ecommerce platform.
For more details visit www.inflexi.com
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